Donner Lake, The Jewel of the Sierras

The rich and colorful history of donner lake

Donner Lake offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, but is also rich for its colorful history.

Donner Lake derives its name from the Donner Party. In the winter of 1846-1847, a band of 87 pioneers attempted the trek from Springfield, IL to San Francisco. As they were crossing the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the pass through the mountains became clogged with snow drifts over twenty feet deep. While waiting for the route to become passable, the band’s meager food supplies dwindled, and after several members of the group succumbed to starvation, cold and disease, some of the survivors resorted to cannibalism to stay alive. By the time the group was rescued, only forty five members of the original group survived. The Donner Party’s story stirred the sympathy of an America very much familiar at the time with the migrant experience, though they were doubtlessly just as fascinated by the more sensationalistic aspects of the tale. Into the present, their story still captures the American public’s imagination, and has been used as the basis for numerous plays, novels, and films.

Donner Lake community

Whether you’d like to go for a brisk swim or simply relax and soak in the sun, Donner Lake’s inviting, crystal-blue waters reach an average temperature in the summer of 76°–six degrees warmer than Lake Tahoe. If you’re just interested in diving in and cooling off as soon as possible, there are two sandy beaches available to the public: the West End Beach and the Donner Memorial State Park (on the Eastern shore of the lake). The West End Beach provides shaded picnic and barbecue sites, and their concession stand will ensure that your own Donner Party stays fed and well-provisioned during their stay. Donner Memorial State Park features campgrounds, trails for hiking and biking, skiing trails during the winter, and the Emigrant Trail Museum which commemorates the Donner Party and other pioneers who braved the passage through the mountains into California.

For rental needs, Donner Lake Marina offers stand-up paddleboards, single and double kayaks, hydro-bikes, jet skis, motorboats and paddleboats available by hourly, half day and full day rates.
