Covid Contemplations


One thing I’ve reveled in during the last 10 weeks is the fact that I can stay in my pajamas for most of the day and not put on an ounce of makeup. 

As I sift through my clothes, transitioning my closet from winter to summer, and preparing myself for the time when we can socialize freely, I realize I haven’t touched my clothing in months.  This makes me reflect on my material possessions and how unimportant they’ve been to me since the lockdown.

This time has offered up an opportunity for reflection and I now see it as a gift for a much needed break.  Don’t get me wrong, I love dressing for the occasion and I have passion for styling, but what I’ve learned is that I can find beauty within myself without it, and all of my possessions don’t really make me who I am. 

While there has definitely been darkness, stressing over finances and feeling overwhelmed by confinement, there was also a spark that lit within me to be more creative, kind, compassionate, and present.  I’ve started writing more, creating more with my son, and engaging with my friends, clients and colleagues on social media and video.  Some of my Zoom parties have been with friends from afar, many of whom I haven’t talked to in ages and maybe wouldn’t have otherwise in “real life”.  For that I am grateful!

A few things that I will always remember from these crazy COVID times are dress-up virtual parties, virtual cocktail hours, my 40th birthday party where people did drive-by’s honking up and down the street, catching up with social distanced driveway gatherings with wine and good conversation, art projects and crafting with my son, a time to reflect on myself, and an opportunity to take a closer look at my business, identifying how I could make it better.

In these truly trying times, I’ve definitely found light, inspiration and a deeper connection to my own self and my family.  I know it’s hard to adjust and to try and keep on top of everything.  Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to prove something - that I can work a normal day, be a super mom - engaging my son in art and education, stay on top of house chores, make healthy meals, all the while, being a loving wife.  Haha!  What I’ve been trying to tell myself lately though, is that it’s ok to relax, enjoy these moments that I now realize are truly abundant (when we pay attention), and have calm in the fact that I’m doing my best.


Jenna Belden